Reebok Xenia – Floaters @ Rs.705 (Shipping Incl.) at Rediff [worth Rs.1999]

Buy Reebok Xenia – Floaters worth Rs.1999  at Rs.705 using ongoing rediff shopping coupon code, in which you can get Rs.100 OFF on all products above Rs.500.

How to get this Deal:

  1. Visit here for "Reebok Xenia – Floaters" offer page
  2. Add product to cart
  3. Sign up & Update Shipping Details
  4. Apply coupon code RSHOP500 to get Rs.100 Discount
  5. Make the remaining payment

Prie Comparison for Reebok Xenia Floaters:
  1. Indiatimes @Rs.878 [Using coupon - FLash1304]
  2. StarCJ @Rs.799
  3. Snapdeal @Rs.749
  4. Yebhi @Rs.1249
  5. Bestylish @Rs.1999

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