Haldiram’s All in One (350 gm) worth Rs.77 at just Rs.9 @ Ebay

How to get Haldiram’s All in One worth Rs.77 at just Rs.9:

  1. Click here to get Ebay Haldiram’s Soan Papdi offer page
  2. Add Haldiram’s All in One to cart
  3. Make the payment of Rs.9
  • This is a promotional offer only for those who haven’t shopped ANYTHING on eBay yet.
  • Only 1 qty of the featured product can be availed per person or household.
  • In case of multiple orders or multiple qty purchases, the order(s) will be cancelled.
  • This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer by eBay India. Also, you cannot apply any coupon code to this offer.
  • Manufacturing Date: Nov 2012.
  • Expiry Date: Apr 2013.

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