Combo of 3 De Romani Formal Shirts at Rs.920 & 2 UK Polo Club T-Shirts at Rs.649 @ Seventymm

Combo of 3 De Romani Formal Shirts at Rs.920 & 2 UK Polo Club T-Shirts at Rs.649

How to get Combo of 3 De Romani Formal Shirts Pack at Rs.920 & 2 UK Polo Club T-shirt at Rs.649:

  1. Click here to visit De Romani Formal Shirts offer page
  2. Click here to visit UK Polo Club T-Shirts offer page
  3. Add any product of your choice & size
  4. Login/Signup
  5. Fill/ update your shipping details
  6. At the checkout apply any one following discount coupons
  7. Make the payment

Working SeventyMM Coupons are:

  • For UK Polo Club T-Shirts use XV7893SEV1020 to get Rs 50 OFF  [On new registration only]
  • For orders above Rs.799 use ATR99 to get Rs 100 OFF in the form of a Cashback.
  • For orders above Rs.899 use ATR10 to get 10% OFF in the form of a Cashback.
  • HDFC users use HDFC70MM on orders above 1000 to get 20% OFF

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