Mahindra Scooters Quiz win Ipod, Sunglasses and Jacket every week

Prizes for the Mahindra Scooters Quiz areas follow:
  • First (1st) Prize – 3 iPod shuffles, 1 every week.
  • Second (2nd) prize– 3 pairs of branded sunglasses, 1 every week.
  • Third (3rd) prize – 3 Jackets, 1 every week.

Please note: Mahindra Scooters will announce the winners separately on a different Facebook tab on its page.

The contest winners will receive their prizes from Mahindra Scooters within thirty (30) working days.

How to participate:-
  1. Visit here
  2. Like the page
  3. Click enter
  4. Accept terms/conditions > Click proceed
  5. Answer 10 Simple questions by choosing any of 4 options given there
  6. Submit your address

Tip:- To get right answer click ‘hint” link which is below option 4 in every question.

“The Mahindra Scooters Quiz” by Mahindra is open for every Mahindra scooter facebook fan. The quiz will last for a period of three weeks and end on November 7, 2012. Each week a new set of 10 questions will be released for fans, in the Mahindra Scooters Quiz contest.

Answering each question correctly will earn the participant one (1) point. Mahindra Scooters will choose three (3) fans, who answer all (or most) questions correctly, as winners every week. If there are more than 3 fans who answer all the questions correctly then Mahindra Scooters will select the lucky winners at its own discretion. Mahindra Scooters decision in this regard shall be final.

Each fan can participate in this contest as many times as he wishes to.

Thanks for your comment, We will get back you Soon ... !!! (Admin)

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