Kitchen Queen Induction Cooktop with Kadhai @ Rs. 1128 – ShopClues

List Price: Rs.2,999  |  Selling Price: Rs.1,999  |  Deal Price:Rs.1,099 + 29 shipping

ShopClues is selling Kitchen Queen Induction Cooktop with Kadhai for Rs. 1128 including shipping. Offer valid till 12th April  of before stock lost.

How to get this Deal:

  1. Visit here Kitchen Queen Induction Cooktop with Kadhai offer page
  2. Add product to cart
  3. Sign up & Update Shipping Details
  4. Apply coupon code SCIC09 to get Discount
  5. Make the remaining payment

Description :-
  • Kitchen Queen Induction Cooktop
  • Good Quality & Glasstop
  • Black color

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