Bombay Dyeing Face Towel Set of 3 pcs at Rs.91( Rs.30 each)

yesteday we shared Pepperfry 40% off coupons which is now perfectly working for new account. Today we brought you this deal where you can buy Bombay Dyeing Face towels at Rs.30 each.

How to get Bombay Dyeing  Face Towel Set of 3 pcs at Rs.91 with Free Shipping:

  1. Visit and create a new account with fresh Email ID and use any Mobile Number
  2. Click here to visit Bombay Dyeing Face Towel Page 
  3. Option 1Option 2 and Option 3
  4. Add set of 3 Face Towel into the cart, only 3 color option available
  5. At the checkout apply any of the below mentioned Pepperfry promo code

  • Offer valid till 18th November 2012 or the first 500 users whichever is earlier.
  • Offer not valid on Diapers, Gold & Silver Coins .
  • Offer applicable to New Buyers who have not yet bought on Pepperfry.
  • Maximum Discount that one can avail is Rs.250

Other Bombay Dyieng Products that one can buy using flat 40% off coupon:
  1. Bombay Dyiend Bath Towels at Rs.240
  2. Bombay Dyeing TULIP TOWELS BLUat Rs.273 
  3. For Other Bombay Dyiend products visit this page

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