Free Comic Books and Stickers From PetaKids

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with over 2 million members. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. Peta Kids are giving free Kids comic books and stickers to every one who every one who sends them photo of drawing with theme “Show your love for animals”. Just follow below steps to grab your free comic book and stikers.!!!

How to get Free Peta Kids Comic Books and Stickers :
  1. Draw a photo/painting and show your love for animals and save on your computer
  2. Now click here for free Kids comic books
  3. And click here to visit free Peta Kids Stikers
  4. Fill the form
  5. Upload your photo in “Upload Your Submission” field
  6. Click Submit

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