Moserbaer Pendrive Sale: 4 GB at Rs.150 & 8 GB at Rs.235

Here is Pen Drive Offer for you. is giving pen drives at discounted prices and you can use Seventymm discount coupon mentioned below to get it more cheaper.
Moserbaer Pendrive Sale: 4 GB at Rs.150 & 8 GB at Rs.235

How to get Moserbaer 4 GB Pendrives at Rs.150 & 8 GB Pendrives at  Rs.235 using Seventymm discount coupon ? 
  1. Click here for Pen drive offer page on Seventymm
  2. Click here to get 4 GB Moserbaer offer page at Rs.150
  3. Click here to get 8 GB Moserbaer offer page at Rs.235
  4. Login/Register & Fill in your shipping details
  5. Apply Seventymm discount coupon: XV7893SEV1020 to get flat Rs.50 OFF
  6. Make remaining payment
Note: Cash on Delivery is also available. 

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