Update:- Exclusive Men’s Suit Length is back in stock now.
Homeshop18 is offering flat Rs.1000 off on 1200 on purchase of Apparel and Accessories. Grab this opportunity to buy Exclusive Men’s Suit Length by Graviera which is worth Rs.2500 but selling at Rs.999 + you also free Free Graviera Suit Length Fabric worth Rs.2500 when you buy this suit length.
How to get:-
1. Visit here and click Buy Now
2. Change quantity to 2 and click proceed to pay
3. Login or register
4. Now visit here choose size and buy Trendy Briefs Custom Fit in Cotton as filler, you can also buy this one
5. Click Proceed to pay
6. Update or choose shipping details
7. Apply coupon code GCF5UVFGJ151 in Gift coupon number box to get 1000 discount
8. Pay only Rs.1138 (999+999+140-1000)
So you pay Rs.1138 only and get 4pc suit length (you buy 2 and get 2 free) + Boxer