Buy anything upto Rs.250 for free at Crazeal ( only for ICICI customers)

Note:- This offer will work only with ICICI account with registered mobile number.

Crazeal in accosiation with Icici running an offer where they are giving you anything up to Rs.250 item for free. This offer is valid till 30th June 2012. To get Rs.250 off coupon code all you need is to sms by same mobile which is registered with ICICI.

Steps To Avail The Offer:
  1. SMS ICICICZL to 56070 to receive promo code (send only by same mobile which is registered with ICICI)
  2. Register here
  3. Choose the deal you would like to buy
  4. Enter promo code received from alliance partner in the space allocated for ‘PromoCode’ during checkout before making payment.
  5. Make payment through ICICI Bank Net Banking, ICICI Bank Visa /Master Credit Card or ICICI bank Visa /Master debit Card A discount of Rs.250 (maximum ) will be applicable on all the purchases made.
Some Recommendations:-
(No refund /cashback of balance amount will be provided in case of deals below for a deal priced at Rs.199 there will be zero payment on applying the code however the customer will not be eligible to claim the balance Rs 51 as part of the offer. )


Thanks for your comment, We will get back you Soon ... !!! (Admin)

  1. I am ICICI customer for more than 8yrs... Even now active... I sent above said SMS from my registered mobile number twice.. But both the times, it says 'Sorry for the inconvinience. Presently this keyword is not active.'

  2. It is a cheating by Crazeal...
    Finally I received a message from crazeal that this offer is closed for today. But the add/notice says valid till 30-June-2012...
    Crazeal is FRAUD I guess..

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