FREE Car Stickers Giveaway From Indian Foods Guide - Assured

Indian Foods Guide crossed the 3400 fan mark in March, 2012 and to celebrate that milestone, They are giving away a free car sticker to anyone who is interested in getting the sticker. Everyone is a winner (until we run out of stickers :-)).The sticker is 12 X 3 and sticks on the inside of a car window. The sticker has a black background and golden letters.

How to get Free Car Stickers?
  1. Click here to go to IndianFoodsGuide Facebook page & Like their page
  2. Now, You need to click the Like button on any posting on our Facebook Fan page that references this contest.
  3. They will contact you via Facebook message to get your address and the number of stickers you want.

Thanks for your comment, We will get back you Soon ... !!! (Admin)

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